Valentine’s present turned Wedding symbol, Joana’s Music Box sings an ethereal lullaby. The essential small instrument for your big sounds

Pay What You Want

This music box was a Valentine’s present from my wife when we were dating.

Years later, when we decided to get married, I wanted to write an arrangement with this instrument for us to sing over in the ceremony. Unfortunately the box’s mechanism broke during this process, so I had to buy a new one for the ceremony…

… fortunately… when my wife gave me the music box, one of my first thoughts was to sample it.

So today I get to share the original Valentine’s present with you.

Sampled inside a large wooden box for added resonance and warmth, I used two KM184s to capture the raw and pure sound of the music box.

Added to that, you also have access to a warped version of the sound with which you can create vibrant and shimmering textures.

The Notebook Series is a playground of small instruments for big sounds.

Inspired by all ideas that were once lines on a page.

Four controls through which to express yourself on the page

Compatible with Kontakt 6.2.2 and up

The Notebook Series is a pay-what-you-want instrument series, inviting those who wish to support future releases to contribute, while remaining free for anyone to enjoy.

By contributing, you help me continue crafting unique experiences for music makers worldwide.

Pay What You Want




- Tech Info -

Joana’s Music Box is a small DIY instrument recorded at 96k 24bit and presented at 48k, inside a wooden box for added resonance and body.

- Microphones used -

Two Neumann KM184 over the box in a wide AB stereo configuration

227 MB download size